Tall Tree Counselling
and Consulting Services

One on One Counselling
Couples Counselling
Family Counselling
Group Counselling
Funded Services Provided By:
RCMP - Crime Victim Services
Victim services such as clinical counselling are available to anyone who has been a victim of crime in British Columbia. It is not necessary for you to report the crime to police to access these services.
To access services call VictimLinkBC. It is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual telephone service available across B.C. and the Yukon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-563-0808.
VictimLinkBC provides immediate crisis support to victims and their families.
Call 1-800-565-0808 and ask to be referred to Tall Tree Counselling and Consulting Services.
Insurance Corporation of BC
Participants in a motor vehicle accident that have a claim with ICBC can speak with their ICBC adjuster about access to clinical counselling. If there are physical and/ or psychological barriers that are impeding a person from getting back on the road clinical counselling may help.
Once approval from an adjuster has been granted for clinical counselling contact Tall Tree Counselling and Consulting Services directly.
First Nations Health Authority
Contact your community, such as a band representative, to see if you are covered for mental health service by a contribution agreement.
If you are covered through a contribution agreement then mental health care services are provided by your community.
If you are not covered by a contribution agreement the FNHA may be able to provide mental health services including services to residential school survivors or short term crisis intervention.
If you believe the FNHA should pay for services call or email Tall Tree Counselling and Consulting Services to book an initial assessment while paperwork is processed.
Shepell Employee Assistance Program
Shepell is a third party company that is Canada's largest provider of employee and family assistance programs that includes clinical counselling. Shepell provides employees and their immediate family members in assessing and resolving work, health and life issues.
Shepell's Workplace Support Plan includes the Trauma Assist Program, the Workplace Referral Program, Work Assist Program, Depression Care Program, the Substance Abuse Program, and the Structured Relapse Prevention Program.
If your workplace has Shepell call 1 800 387 4765.
James Cowan of Tall Tree Counselling and Consulting Services is an approved provider for Shepell and may be requested through calling 1 800 387 4765.