Tall Tree Counselling
and Consulting Services
Relationships can be an important aspect of therapy. For the most part, we have to maintain relationships to live full lives with meaning and purpose. This includes at home and in the workplace.
In many ways developing and maintaining relationships is a kind of skill and sometimes working with relationships can become complicated because of other concerns such as stress, anxiety, depression, substance use, violence to speak to just a few concerns.
In working with relationships it is important to work with individual and relationship goals so that each person doing the work on the relationship feels strong and empowered that they are then best able to help others and build the best kinds of relationships.
Relationships goals can be short term or long term and relatively easy or hard to work toward. It is never too late to work on a relationship.
Often short term and easy goals can begin to motivate the people doing the work to do meaningful relationship building. Individuals, couples, and families can than start to work toward more long term and more complicated relationship goals that have be a part of families for a long time or within a relationship for many decades.
Usually it is an that individual seeks therapy for a relationship that is not working for them. A person who seeks therapy for the sake of a relationship is often able to learn some new skills and have greater knowledge through therapy to create some positive changes for their relationship by themselves. If other individuals are then able to join the therapeutic process there is greater likelihood there is going to be greater overall change in the relationship.
Sometimes a couple or a family is able to enter a therapeutic process together and learn and develop together and at the same time. At other times it takes the individuals in a relationship doing some individual therapy to then be able to come together to do the relationship work together.
If you or someone you know would like to know how to have better relationships or work on existing relationships please call or email to see how we can help.